Stefán Karl snillingur slćr í gegn í Ameríku!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 | Last Update 5:21 EST
Review: He’s mean, green, a rhyming machine By Emily Campell Examiner Staff Writer 11/17/08 The show has to be good when the main character makes kids in the audience cry before he even steps one foot on stage. Actor Stefan Karl, who portrays the Grinch in Dr. Suess’ “How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical,” induced tears in more than a few children last Thursday when he made an announcement in character for the audience to silence their cell phones. Dr. Suess' How The Grinch Stole Christmas!, the Musical, Book and Lyrics by Timothy Mason, Music by Mel Marvin, directed by Matt August. Baltimore 11/11/08 Karl’s immense talent is just part of the reason why the show, playing at the Hippodrome through Nov. 23, will spark joy in the hearts of even the grinchiest of Grinches this holiday season. The musical, based on the beloved Dr. Seuss holiday classic, features book and lyrics by Timothy Mason and music by Mel Marvin. The play, narrated by Max the Dog, follows the scheming Grinch — who hates the entire Christmas season — as he hatches a diabolical plan to steal the holiday from the Christmas-loving Whos in Whoville. Icelandic actor Stefan Karl is clearly the shining star of this production, and not only because he’s scripted as the main character. He IS the Grinch, no questions asked. If you didn’t know better, you would think his face was made out of rubber, with all the contorting and exaggerated snarling, snorting and scowling he does. His comedic delivery is dead-on, from physical bits to one-liners. “One of a Kind,” Karl’s solo number, is by far the highlight of the performance, surpassing even the popular “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch.” As impressive, if not more so, is 9-year-old Lexie DeBlasio as Cindy Lou-Who. Can this kid sing or what? — she belts it out like Little Orphan Annie in “Santa For A Day,” and her energy is never-ending. And if you don’t like her singing, she’s cute enough to melt the buttons off your coat. Walter Charles as Old Max, Aaron Galligan-Stierle as Papa Who, Jacquelyn Piro Donovan as Mama Who, Stuart Zagnit as Grandpa Who and Rosemary Loar as Grandma Who get props for excellent supporting characters, providing hilarious comic relief whenever the Grinch is absent from the stage.

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1 Smámynd: Jón Snćbjörnsson

Biđ ađ heilsa Stefáni Karli

Jón Snćbjörnsson, 19.11.2008 kl. 08:29

2 Smámynd: Jón Steinar Ragnarsson

Stefán er óumrćđanlegur snillingur og mikil perla af manni. Ég hef notiđ ţess ađ vinna međ honum svona á hliđarlínunni og hann er endalaus innblástur og gleđigjafi.  Ég er rígmontinn af honum ţótt velgengni hans komi mér ekkert á óvart.

Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 19.11.2008 kl. 09:46

3 Smámynd: Adda bloggar

stefán er flottur

Adda bloggar, 25.11.2008 kl. 13:27

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